lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Global Entrepeneur Programme
Start Up Games
Mexico City
application deadline 28 sep 2018
applicant notification 04 oct 2018
start up networking cocktail 8 oct 2018
start up games event  9 oct 2018

Video guide line:
for Start Up Games at Mexico City.
The Project "Habitat University" includes
water, food, health, shelter,
education, meditation,  and exercise.
In order to achieve human evolution in accordance with
Carl Sagan and Jacques Derrida's teory frameworks,
and having as method:
imitation, equalization, innovation,  & invention.
That is why I invited every single professional
who like to share their knowledge.
because If we do not evolutionate
we will exterminate each other with our tecnology.
The objetives are simple:
1 to built a scientific generation, I mean
educaton for all in all disciplines.
2 to shape other system that excludes:
war economy, patrialcal ideology and controling the way of thinking.
3 to achieve a horizontal way of living.
4 the starting point will be our habitat.
5 to avoid the destruction of our space ship
called earth planet.
Bussines model:
To sell know how.
Why to do an UK's organization?
because we have a civil war in Mexico,
between organized crime
and the established government,
and the tribute that both charge is unsustainable,
in addition to the lack of certainty and legal security.
Bussines sector
Circular economy.
Additional Information:

• Links to facebook, twitter and website (if applicable)




• HD logo of company (.jpeg or .png)

• Full name, position and phone number of start-up representative
Alfonso Alberto Estrada Camarena
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
044 55 4041 7246 For receiving phone calls
998 404 1892 For receiving WhatsApp Messages

My Nickname is
Poncho Pochenko.

Framework Notes:

set out by the 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant
as part of his work Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals.
It is ... a... categorical imperative,
that provides a groundbreaking argument
that the rightness of an action is determined
by the character of the principle
that a person chooses to act upon.
... and it is the very basis for the existence.
... as an antecedent,
It is Rousseau's idea of a general will.
Both ... provide for a radical separation of will and nature,
leading to the idea that true freedom lies substantially in self-legislation.

Kant believes
that any fact which is grounded in empirical knowledge must be contingent.

A goodwill is... only because its volition

A human being ... exists as an end in itself.

The Formula of Autonomy and the Kingdom of Ends:
... how you are treating the person with whom you are interacting?.
... the “systematic union” of all ends in themselves ( from rational agents)
... set have a price and can be exchanged for one another
... however, have dignity and have no equivalent.
... Because outside forces could only determine our actions contingently.

We have a free will and ... self-legislating:
We can view ourselves as members of the world of appearances
 – which operates according to the laws of nature –
or we can view ourselves as members of the intellectual world,
... how we view ourselves?
... how we think about how to act?.

Freedom and Willing:
... the will as the cause of our actions.
A free will is one that has the power to bring about its own actions.
According to Kant, we need laws to be able to act.
there is no room for a free will to change the course of events.
If you consider yourself as part of the world of appearances,
then you cannot think of yourself as having a will that brings things about.

Occupying Two Worlds  (understanding and appearance):
we simply do not and cannot have
a clear enough grasp of the world of the understanding.
We just have to be careful not to get carried away and make claims
that we are not entitled to.


Definition of volition
1 : the power of choosing or determining : WILL
2 : an act of making a choice or decision
also : a choice or decision made.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Let us now take another path,
The optimist!
... it seems perfectly possible
that we are able to solve
the technological adolescence problems
that afflict us,
and even,
if there is only a small possibility of doing so,
let say,
1 percent from;
1 percent of
all those civilizations of the galaxy
that lasted for
very long time periods
It would be a very high number.

In addition...
... civilizations destroy themselves
as soon as they are formed,
everything else can go like a charm,
but there will be none to whom we can talk with.

... There is none to talk to
except ourselves
and we do not even do it so well.

... understanding how the world works,
We have greater chances of survival.
At least
until the invention of nuclear weapons.

... that a collective probability,
is the product of its individual probabilities

the number of possible civilizations depends
of the star quantity with planets fit for life.

... after ...
the fraction of those planets
where life really comes from,
... the fraction of those planets
in which intelligent life develops
in its life period,
a technical communication skill,

The ... fact of having a technical civilization
it means,
that in some way we have understood
how the universe really is;

... the art
is to achieve the possibility
that things happen!
Important changes ... in all areas
... the art
is to execute properly
the inherited human knowledge,
The next
is the proposal - schedule
from detailed change to individual level,
nevertheless cohesive
as a technical civilization ...

The thesis:
If there is the possibility of passing
our stage of technological adolescence!
... the purpose is to close that time period...
Now the transmodernist period
- where things are not what they seem-
(coined by Barcelona University )
... and starting a new system
- "A Technical Civilization" -
in accordance
with a theoretical frameworks.
Accompanied by appendices
how to reset
and install a new system.

if we imagine it
it is possible...

Carl Sagan
Original title:
The Varieties of Scientific Experience ...
2007 Barcelona - Spain -
Printed in Bogota Colombia ... 2007
... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ..

Jacques Derrida posted the deconstruction
being a current exegesis
to our historical problems
to solve them
at this moment
at this place.

The time of a thesis:
Deconstruction and Conceptual Implications
Ed. Anthropos ed 2a.
1997 Barcelona. Spain

 Additional Notes:
Ezio Manzini (2015)
... considers that social innovation occurs
when people, knowledge, and material resources
come into contact in a new way,
creating new and unprecedented meanings and opportunities.

Murray et al. 2010; TEPSIE, 2014
While other definitions share the underlying principle of social added value,
they also make explicit reference to the empowering
of specific groups and the transformation
of social relations or collaborations to meet social needs.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

How Do we learn?
The Maker 4 minutes 30 seconds.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

In that city of cheap human capital,
no instincts can flourish,
no hidden and unusual passion can be aroused.
The street was a concession of corruption.
The misfortune is that nothing ever succeed,
nothing can ever reach a definite conclusion.
¿We are able to afford anything better
than a copy cat imitation from someone else?
Bruno Schulz, Ulica Krokodyli.

Quay Brothers
- Streets of Crocodile (1986)  20 minutes.

My question:
How long does it take to understand the system despite we are agree or not?
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The big winners... are people who want zero-emission...
Carbon prices could save us … if we actually start using them

California has one of the only economy-wide carbon pricing policies in the U.S.
The Greenlining Institute
just launched  website to guide people through the process of applying
for grants backed by cap-and-trade money.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

American International School, Chennai

Campus Subscription:
Learn About Green Building and Sustainability

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